This section discusses the base station used by the UAV-RT team. For this system base station refers to all the software and hardware utilized on the ground to communicate with and control the drone during flight. The menu on the left contains a breakdown of how to configure the equipment, documentation detailing initial setup of the ground control station (GCS), and an overview of Mission Planner and Q-Ground Control Station.
Base Station Components
- DX6 Spektrum RC Controller (used to manually fly the UAV in the event of an emergency)
- Dell Field Laptop
- Mission Planner Software (GCS used to communicate with the flight controller)
- This GCS could be substituted with Q-Ground Control Station.
- 915 MHZ telemetry Radio (hardware required to establish connection to flight controller)
- Custom MATLAB GUI (establishes UDP and FTP connection to the UAV to start/stop radio collection and post-process data)
- Mission Planner Software (GCS used to communicate with the flight controller)